1 Comment
Jun 23Liked by Frederick Hink

This is another very informative article. Thank you for republishing it here. I also often read American Thinker but missed this one.

I have long held the belief that it is the left that leans toward violence and demands compliance from everyone in words and deeds, and that conservatives value personal freedom and personal responsibility, certainly not the image you described of knuckle-dragging gun toting bible thumpers. That last image is how the LEFT sees conservatives, sees MAGA people, and it is a shame because it is the antithesis of reality. Violent demonstrators are almost exclusively from the left, in my perception, not the altruistic, moral, well-meaning “social justice” seekers the left’s intellectuals think they are supporting by tolerating this kind of behavior. There is no way the arsonists, the destroyers of historical monuments, the looters of stores, home invaders, rapists and murderers could EVER come from the MAGA movement. Imo, of course; I have no degrees or studies to back up my perceptions, just 81 years of life and observations from rural living in an America increasingly unfamiliar.

I do wish we could hustle up a bigger audience for your writing, Frederick. 😇

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